The Five Reasons Why You
Will Not Become Orthodox
Reason 1:
I do not really want to change my life.
Orthodoxy is a way of life. By entering into the sacramental life of the Holy Orthodox Faith, it impacts the way we see ourselves, each other, and the whole cosmos. It’s not a philosophical system; rather, it is a way of being. If we don’t really want to change our habits, repent of our sinful habits, change our perceptions of life, our perceptions about others, and even about ourselves, then we won’t become Orthodox. We have to want to change and continually ask God to help us change in the process of our inquiry into Orthodoxy. Without any desire to change you will not become Orthodox.
Reason 2:
I don’t really want to work on myself. I’m just looking for an escape from my problems.
Orthodoxy is a life transformed by the Grace of the Holy Trinity, but this involves our participation in this uncreated Grace. If all we are looking for is an escape from our problems, then Orthodoxy is not for you. Orthodoxy will highlight our problems (bring them to the forefront) in order to inspire us to repent, to change our way of thinking, feeling, and being. If we do not actively and continually want to pursue virtue in the midst of life’s difficulties, then we will not become Orthodox.
Reason 3:
l love my own thoughts too much. My thoughts have been the guide of my life, and I need to trust most of my perceptions, thoughts, and feelings to feel safe.
While some thoughts can be holy and inspire us towards virtue, the majority of our thoughts, feelings, and judgements towards others are - in fact - not accurate. The only way that our thoughts, feelings, and judgments towards others are to be trusted is to agree - first of all - to the thought that “I am all-knowing,” that “I have all knowledge of all things.” If I do not have all knowledge of all things (as only God does), then there is no possible way that my perceptions are trustworthy. Therefore, I need to question my own perceptions, thoughts, and feelings about myself and others: “Am I seeing things accurately? Perhaps not. O, God help me to see things the way you want me to see things.”
Reason 4:
I love to be isolated. I don’t want to come out of my unhealthy and fear-inspired isolation.
One of the greatest diseases of our time - all over the world - is isolation. Isolation is cutting off our love from God and from others, which causes pain to our soul. This pain then creates a wrong perception that if only I isolate myself from everyone, my problems will eventually be solved. The best way to find healing from trauma pain is to turn that pain into love for others. We find healing by developing love for God, which manifests itself in love for others. If we have no desire to struggle to attempt to love others and to foster community within our hearts, we will not become Orthodox.
Reason 5:
I love watching improper and degrading videos and images online, and I don’t want to stop. I love whatever it is I’m addicted to, and I don’t want to get it out of my life.
If you have a habit of watching improper and degrading videos and images online or offline, and you want to change, then great! God can help you, sustain you, change your desires, and heal your passions. You might become Orthodox someday! However, if you have no desire to change this habit, you most likely will not become Orthodox (or stay Orthodox very long). It’s very important to struggle against this passion from the very beginning of your inquiry into Holy Orthodoxy. This habit can be broken; however, if you have no desire to change, then you will not become Orthodox.

The Five Reasons Why You
Will Become Orthodox
Reason 1:
I want to change my life. I want to strive to conform my life to Christ’s commandments.
“O, Christ, guide me towards the path of repentance. I know no other God than Thee. Thou hast commanded me to love Thee and I don’t love Thee with my whole heart, mind, soul, and strength. I don’t love others the way that Thou desirest me to love others. Help me, O Lord! Inspire me, guide me, and instruct me along the paths of Thy holy commandments! I may not always desire to do Thy holy commandments, but increase my faith and my desire to abide in Thy holy will.”
Reason 2:
I want to work on myself. I’m not looking for an escape from my problems; rather, with Christ and His Holy Church by my side, I want to face my problems. I want to pattern my life around love for God and love for others.
Reason 3:
l don’t want to trust my own thoughts. I want the Triune God in Unity to guide me to the haven of His holy will through the Holy Orthodox Church. I want God to guide my mind, my heart, my will, and my conscience through the holy thoughts of the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Fathers, and the Holy Tradition.
“O Christ, our true God, guide me towards the haven of Thy will. Help me to trust Thee. I don’t trust Thee as Thou hast commanded, but I want to. I am weak, and my mind is feeble. I have sinned against Thee, but, O Christ, never lead me astray. Guide me on the path of Thy commandments and to know the sweetness of Thy love.”
Reason 4:
I may like to be isolated at times, but I want to come out of my unhealthy and fear-inspired isolation. I want to struggle to love others and to live in community.
“O Christ my God, help me to know Thy love, so that I may love others. Help me to keep my friends and my enemies within my heart at all times. Help me to forgive everyone: those who hate me, those who have wronged me, those who have slandered me, those who have persecuted me, and those who have not been kind to me. Do not condemn or judge anyone on account of me a sinner. Do not hold them accountable on the Day of Judgement, but save all in the bosom of Thy love. Give every earthly and spiritual good thing to everyone who has ever wronged me.”
Reason 5:
I may love watching improper and degrading videos and images online, but I want to be healed from it! Whatever it is I’m addicted to, I don’t want to be addicted to it anymore. I want to love God and others more than the thing I am addicted to.
If the above reasons guide your life, then you will have the joy and privilege, by God’s love and compassion, to become Orthodox someday! I’ve seen it!
My love in Christ,
Fr. Ambrose Inlow