How to Enter into the Life of the Church
What is Catechism?
To enter into the dynamic life of the Holy Orthodox Church, one goes through a time of spiritual, ethical, and theological formation, which is called: catechism. It is a special time of preparation for Holy Illumination. Since the depth of the Orthodox Faith and her Mysteries are limitless, so too is the formation and transformation of our heart, mind, soul, and strength limitless. In the time of catechism, we look to co-operate with God to transform our spiritual life. Official catechism lasts anywhere from 9 months to one year +, and then we enter into the sacramental life of the Church. Afterwards, we become catechumens (in the sense of constantly searching transformation by the Holy Spirit) for the rest of our lives.
How do I become a Catechumen?
To become an official catechumen of the Church with the aim of entering into the sacramental life of Holy Orthodoxy, one has to have the desire to be united to Christ, as well as have a desire to turn away continually from a life devoted to the satisfaction of the ego, to the pleasures of the flesh, and to Satan.
What is Required of a Catechumen?
That one continually pursue holiness of life - little by little looking to change one’s everyday habits towards a God pleasing disposition,
That one continually cultivates a desire from the heart to be united with Christ.
That one attend all of the Saturday “Foundation” lectures for both the Fall and Spring sessions. (And listen to the recordings of the classes that one happens to miss).
To come to Saturday Vespers and Sunday Divine Liturgy as often as you can. To come to Feast Day Vigils and Liturgies as often as you can.
Continually read the Holy Gospels - even if just a little each day.
Read the required Catechumen readings and (if desired) listen to the additional education podcasts, videos, and books.
Required Reading for Catechumens:
Click on the image below for the PDF online versions.
Recordings of the 4 Foundation Courses on Youtube
Catch up on the Foundations Lectures that you missed below.

Edifying Podcasts to Listen to:

Other Recommended Books to Read:
(Simply choose one and begin reading with prayer)